Your Guide to Masks
CDC recommends that people wear masks in public settings, at events and gatherings, and anywhere they will be around other people. Effective February 2, 2021, masks are required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of the United States and in U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations.
How to Select
Special Considerations
For more information on evidence for effectiveness of masks, other types of face protection, and mask alternatives, see Considerations for Wearing Masks
How to Wear
Wear a mask correctly and consistently for the best protection.
- Be sure to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before putting on a mask.
- Do NOT touch the mask when wearing it. If you have to often touch/adjust your mask, it doesn’t fit you properly, and you may need to find a different mask or make adjustments.
For more information, visit our How to Wear Masks web page.
For more information, see our Masks web site. For information on the sources for our mask guidance, see Recent Studies.